Soil is For The Ground, Not For Our Infrastructure

Don’t get us wrong, we love soil and the beautiful rich organics in our gardens. Nothing like cracking open your compost bin, when it’s ready, and running your hands through that black gold. However, the soil needs to stay in our gardens. The world of vertical human landscapes needs to be treated a little differently.

At The Greenwall Company we have been using soilless media in our installations for the past 30 years. Our specialised growing media is created with lightweight recycled materials, combined with 18 secret herbs and spices. This combination produces an ultra-lite medium for life to thrive and does not break down or need replacing over time. Here we delve into this, exploring the benefits of soilless inorganic media over traditional soil and unveiling the future of sustainable growth.

  1. Recycle or reuse

Often soilless inorganic media is crafted from by products or recycled materials. Our media is crafted from recycled materials like PET bottles, polystyrene, and even ground coffee bean waste. By repurposing these materials, we reduce waste and create eco-friendly alternatives to traditional soil.

  1. Sustainability through longevity.

The inorganic nature of soilless media means that it doesn’t break down over time like traditional soil.

Have a look at your pot plant in your house and you will see that the soil line is not where you first planted it. This is fine for your home but not when you are dealing with vertical landscapes, with tricky access. We design for longevity, so our media won’t break down over time and still maintains healthy growth.

  1. Enhanced Drainage and Aeration

Unlike traditional soil, soilless inorganic media offer superior drainage and aeration. This fosters healthier root systems, reducing the risk of waterlogging and providing optimal oxygen levels essential for plant growth.

  1. Lightweight and Manageable

The weight of soilless inorganic media can be significantly lighter than traditional soil, making it more manageable and adaptable to various gardening setups. This ease of use allows for more versatile applications, even in challenging spaces.

  1. Nutrient Retention and Customisation

Soilless media can offer excellent nutrient retention, providing a controlled environment for plants to thrive. Moreover, they allow for precise customisation of nutrient levels, offering tailored solutions for specific plant needs.

  1. Reduced Risk of Pests and Diseases

One of the standout advantages of soilless inorganic media is its reduced susceptibility to pests and diseases. This minimises the risk of infestations and soil-borne  diseases, promoting healthier plant growth.

  1. Eco-Friendly Insulation

In addition to nurturing plants, soilless inorganic media contribute to eco-friendly insulation. In greenwalls and roofs, they act as natural insulators, regulating temperatures and contributing to energy efficiency.

At The Greenwall Company, our commitment to sustainable solutions drives our commitment to soilless inorganic media. Join us on this journey towards eco-friendly growth, where soilless inorganic media redefine the boundaries of sustainable horticulture. The future of gardening should be lighter, greener, and more environmentally responsible.

Vertical Gardening: A Breath of Fresh Air for Urban Architecture

What if you could turn a bare wall or uninspiring building facade into a lush, living tapestry? Well, that’s the magic of vertical gardening. Vertical gardens bring nature into our urban lives, adding green to break up all that boring grey concrete and steel. Not to mention, vertical gardens are one key element to eco-friendly biophilic architecture, making for a harmonious blend of beauty and sustainability.

Today, we’ll cover what you need to know about vertical gardening.

What is vertical gardening?

Vertical gardening, also known as green walls or living walls, is a way to grow plants on a wall or structure that stands by itself. This method is great for cities where floorspace is hard to come by, and it can be done both inside and outside. 

The flexibility of vertical gardening makes it a popular choice for adding a touch of nature to various settings, from city centres to cosy home interiors.

Where to use vertical gardening?

  • Urban residential areas: In cities with limited space, vertical gardens can turn balconies, patios and walls into green spaces. Why not turn your home into a green sanctuary? You’ll enjoy a boost in mood and productivity thanks to an indoor vertical garden, which also improves air quality.
  • Commercial buildings: Offices, hotels and retail spaces can use vertical gardens to liven up their exterior and interior environments, creating a welcoming atmosphere for clients and employees.
  • Educational institutions: Schools and universities can incorporate vertical gardens as educational tools and promote green living among students.
  • Healthcare facilities: Hospitals and clinics can use vertical gardens for their therapeutic benefits, creating calming and healing environments for patients and staff.
  • Infrastructure: Vertical gardens can turn necessary infrastructure like carparks, bridges and transit stations into more naturally integrated, green spaces.
  • Industrial sites: They can also be used at industrial sites like factories and warehouses to break up stagnant architecture and be more environmentally friendly.

If you want an alternative to vertical gardening, you can choose greenroofs for urban landscapes. Greenroofs are essentially gardens on rooftops. They’re not just visually appealing, they help manage rainwater, reduce heating costs, and provide additional green spaces in crowded cities.

Benefits of vertical gardening 

In cities where horizontal space is scarce, vertical gardening can broaden the options for getting a bit of nature in. Vertical gardening is about growing plants up, not spreading them out. It’s like having a living painting; not only does it make a space more beautiful but it also cleans the air and if installed outdoors, gives birds and insects a place to live.

  • Space-saving: They use vertical space instead of ground space, which is perfect for small areas.
  • Improved biodiversity: The outdoor gardens help increase the variety of living things in cities by providing homes for birds, insects, and other wildlife.
  • Thermal regulation: Vertical gardens act as natural insulation, helping to regulate building temperatures and reducing energy consumption for heating and cooling.
  • Noise reduction: These gardens can also act as sound barriers, absorbing and deflecting urban noise pollution.
  • Health and wellbeing benefits: Exposure to green spaces has been shown to reduce stress, and improve mood along with overall mental well-being.
  • Community engagement: Vertical gardens can create a sense of community, especially in urban farming and communal garden projects.
  • Economic benefits: By improving the aesthetic appeal of buildings and public spaces, vertical gardens can increase property values and attract tourism.
  • Sustainable urban development: They are a key component in sustainable urban planning, contributing to eco-friendly urban designs.

How does vertical gardening improve the air?

Vertical gardening boosts air quality in many ways, making it a great eco-friendly choice, especially in cities where air pollution is a big concern.

  • Air purification: With the correct light conditions, plants can take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. CO2 reduction in the office environment is key to reduction in sick building syndrome. Vertical gardens have a high density of plants without impacting space on the office floorplan. Meaning more plants in less space and purer air for everyone. 
  • Pollutant removal: The real magic is in the media that helps plants grow. Plants symbiotic relationship with the microbes in the growing media help soak up and clean out air pollutants like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), small particles, and other typical city pollutants. The large surface area of green walls allows more opportunity for pollutant capture than the small surface of soil in a regular pot plant. 
  • Dust reduction: Plants in vertical gardens can trap and absorb dust particles from the air. The leaves’ surfaces act as natural dust filters, capturing these particles, which are then washed away by rain or can be manually cleaned off, reducing the amount of dust in the air.
  • Temperature regulation: Vertical gardens can help regulate temperature in their immediate vicinity. Plants release water vapour into the air through a process called transpiration. This natural process can help cool the air in urban areas, which are often subject to the heat island effect. Cooler air tends to hold less pollution, contributing to better air quality.
  • Increased green space: In urban environments where space is limited, vertical gardens maximise greenery in a confined area. This expanded green space not only contributes to better air quality but also provides a habitat for biodiversity, further improving environmental quality.

Explore More with The Greenwall Company

With over 2,000 projects including green walls and roofs that are known for being light, varied and long-lasting, we’re ready to make your ideas a reality. Our green walls are made of 95% recycled materials, showing our dedication to environmentally-friendly and easy-to-maintain city greening.

Adopting vertical gardens in city landscapes is an eco-friendly way to green space, and bring nature back into our urban environments. Vertical gardening is not just a popular trend, it’s essential in our increasingly urban world. It’s a smart, green way to bring nature back into our everyday lives, make city spaces better, and help our cities be more comfortable and have cleaner air.

Discover how we can transform your space today.

Plants in the Workplace: The Surprising Benefits of a Green Office

Imagine your workspace filled with green plants, where fresh air and the beauty of nature accompany your daily tasks. That’s what you could have with a green office. Plants aren’t just aesthetically pleasing, they can improve the atmosphere of a space along with everyone’s mood. Simple changes can make your office more environmentally-friendly and an enjoyable place for people to spend time in, so why not bring the outside in and see the difference it can make?

What is a Green Office?

A green office goes beyond the occasional potted plant. It’s an intentional blending of design and nature, creating an environmentally-friendly office that benefits both employees and the planet. Whether it’s through indoor vertical gardens or recycling initiatives, it’s all about making eco-conscious choices.

The Benefits of Plants in the Workplace

Creating a green office environment involves integrating plants and sustainable practices into the workplace. This concept is gaining traction for its multifaceted benefits, which extend far beyond mere aesthetics. Here’s a detailed look into the advantages of embracing greenery and eco-friendly measures in office settings:

  • Physical health improvements

Plants act as natural air filters, absorbing carbon dioxide and emitting oxygen, which can lead to improved health outcomes for employees. Greenery can also help maintain optimal indoor humidity levels, which is beneficial for respiratory health and comfort.

It’s not just the air we breathe that improves thanks to indoor plants. Your ears can benefit too: the same plants can absorb, diffract and reflect sound waves, making the office a quieter place to work.

  • Psychological and emotional benefits

The presence of plants has been linked to lower stress and anxiety levels in employees. Interaction with nature can improve concentration, memory, and cognitive function, leading to increased productivity.

By bringing some of the outdoors inside, you can uplift spirits and avoid the feeling of being ‘boxed in’ that can come with working in an office building.

  • Economic advantages

Improved air quality and well-being contribute to better overall health, leading to a more productive and healthy workforce. Not to mention, strategic placement of plants can assist in regulating office temperature and reducing the reliance on heating and cooling systems.

  • Aesthetic appeal

Plants add colour, life and texture, improving the overall look of the office and making it a more inviting space. With a variety of plants available, it’s possible to enhance any office design, regardless of style or space constraints.

  • Environmental impact

Plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen, contributing to a reduction in the overall carbon footprint of the office. Even a small change to a more eco-friendly workplace can make a difference to global environmental impact.

  • Social and cultural benefits

Natural environments are known to foster creative performance, offering new perspectives and inspiration. Tending to office plants can create a sense of community among employees, encouraging teamwork and collaboration.

  • Long-term sustainability

A green office can serve as an ongoing educational tool for staff, promoting sustainability practices that can extend into their personal lives. An environmentally conscious image can enhance brand reputation, attracting clients and talent who value sustainability.

Managing Risks of Plants in the Workplace

Introducing plants into the workplace isn’t without its challenges. It requires knowledge of the right types of plants to use, their maintenance needs, and considering those with allergies. How do you reap the benefits while managing the risks? By choosing hypoallergenic plants, ensuring proper care and creating plant-free zones, you can mitigate potential issues.

Green Walls and Green Roofs at the Office

The “eco way to green space” in urban environments, particularly office settings, is constantly innovating with solutions like greenwalls and green roofs. 

  • Green walls

Indoor vertical gardens or green walls are a show-stopping way to introduce greenery into an office without taking up valuable floor space. These living walls are not just beautiful — they’re a statement of commitment to an eco-friendly workspace.

They are a creative and space-saving way to incorporate greenery into an office environment. They involve growing plants on vertically suspended panels, using hydroponics or soil. Not only do they create an aesthetically pleasing spot in the workplace, but they also improve air quality and can create a calming, natural atmosphere that may boost employee well-being and productivity.

In choosing plants for a vertical garden in the office, it is best to look to places in nature where plants thrive in low light conditions. There is no such thing as an indoor plant but there are plants that can tolerate very light conditions, emulating the conditions of the rainforest floor, under the cover of a canopy. Many varieties of Ferns (Polypodiopsida family) and Ariods (Araceae family) are great at adapting to our human made indoor environments. We also look to epiphytic and lithophilic plants as being perfectly adaptable to the vertical landscape.These indoor vertical gardens can act as natural art, inspire creativity and even serve as conversation starters.

  • Green roofs

Green roofs, on the other hand, are rooftops that are covered with vegetation. Like green walls, they can help with insulation, reducing energy costs. They also have the added benefit of managing stormwater, as they absorb rainwater and reduce runoff, which can be a significant issue in urban areas with impervious surfaces. Green roofs provide habitats for wildlife, help lower urban air temperatures (mitigating the urban heat island effect), and can even extend the life of roofing materials by protecting them from the elements.

How to Implement a Green Office Strategy

Here’s a step-by-step guide to making your office greener.

1. Conduct an environmental audit

Begin by assessing your current office environment and practices. Look at energy consumption, waste production and your current carbon footprint. This audit will highlight areas for improvement and help set measurable goals.

2. Introduce plants and green spaces

Incorporate plants into the office layout. Consider installing indoor vertical gardens or living walls to maximise greenery without sacrificing floor space. Choose plants that have air-purifying qualities and are low-maintenance.

3. Optimise energy efficiency

Switch to LED lighting, which consumes less energy and has a longer lifespan than traditional bulbs. Install smart thermostats and encourage the use of natural light wherever possible. Ensure that all appliances and electronics are energy-efficient models.

4. Reduce, reuse, recycle

Set up a recycling program within the office. Provide clearly labelled bins for paper, plastics, and metals. Encourage employees to reduce paper use and reuse materials whenever possible. We also recycle and reuse cuttings from our plants, to ensure nothing goes to waste.

5. Go digital

Minimise paper waste by adopting digital alternatives. Encourage digital filing systems, online collaboration tools, and electronic communication to reduce the need for printing.

6. Encourage sustainable commuting

Promote a green commute by providing facilities for cyclists, setting up a carpool system, or offering incentives for employees who use public transport.

7. Use eco-friendly products

Choose office supplies made from recycled materials and eco-friendly cleaning products. This supports the green market, reduces the office’s chemical footprint and is also beneficial to the health of all those in the workplace.

8. Engage and educate employees

A green office strategy works best when everyone is on board. Provide training and information on sustainability practices. Encourage employee suggestions and participation in green initiatives.

9. Monitor and adapt

Regularly review your green office strategy to assess its effectiveness. Seek feedback from staff and be prepared to adapt your approach to achieve your environmental goals.

Implementing these steps can transform any traditional office into a green office.

Key Takeaways

  • A green office is more than just plants, it’s a comprehensive approach to creating an environmentally-friendly office.
  • The benefits of plants in the workplace are manifold, from improving air quality to boosting creativity.
  • To ensure green benefits are enjoyed by all, go into the project informed about the risks of managing plants in the workplace. 
  • Eco-friendly green spaces can be achieved through innovative solutions like indoor vertical gardens.
  • Making your office greener can actually lead to a healthier, more productive work environment. With careful planning and a touch of nature, the transformation can be as refreshing for your staff as it is for the planet.

The green office movement is about future-proofing the workplace. It represents a shift towards a more sustainable, health-conscious and aesthetically pleasing environment that benefits everyone from the individual employee to the planet.

Embracing Nature’s Airborne Wonders: Epiphytes in Living Infrastructure

In the realm of living infrastructure, where the interplay between urban design and natural beauty thrives, a group of plants known as epiphytes are making a significant impact. These enchanting flora, renowned for their ability to flourish without soil, are redefining the way we perceive and integrate greenery into our urban spaces

What are Epiphytes?

Epiphytes, often referred to as “air plants,” are a captivating group of plants that have evolved to grow on other surfaces, such as trees, rocks, and even man-made structures. Unlike traditional plants that draw sustenance from the soil, epiphytes extract nutrients and moisture from the air and rain that surrounds them. This unique adaptation allows them to thrive in diverse environments, from tropical rainforests to urban rooftops and play a major role in our greenwall and EcoPillow planting designs.

Epiphytes employ various strategies to anchor themselves and capture moisture and nutrients. Some species develop specialised structures that cling to their chosen substrates, while others have trichomes—tiny hair-like structures—that aid in water absorption. This adaptability has granted them the ability to survive in regions where soil is scarce or nutrient availability is limited, making them the perfect solution for homes or commercial spaces with restricted greenspace.

Epiphytes in Living Infrastructure: A Perfect Fit

Epiphytes are the epitome of harmonising nature with urban architecture. As the living infrastructure movement gains momentum, these remarkable plants are carving a niche for themselves within this dynamic space. Their unique growth habits and low-maintenance requirements make them an ideal choice for adorning vertical walls, covering rooftops, and breathing life into indoor spaces.

One of the key advantages of incorporating epiphytes into living infrastructure projects is their ability to enhance biodiversity in urban settings. By introducing these plants into the built environment, designers and architects can create microhabitats that support various species of insects and birds. This contributes to a healthier ecosystem and promotes a sense of connection to nature for city dwellers.

Mark Paul, Horticulturist and Founder of The Greenwall Company says, “Epiphytes represent a fusion of nature’s resilience and artistic beauty. At The Greenwall Company, we’re driven by the belief that nature has the power to transform and elevate urban spaces. Epiphytes embody this philosophy, demonstrating that sustainable design can be both aesthetically pleasing and ecologically sound. These plants offer an exciting palette to work with, allowing us to create living artworks that inspire and captivate.”

As urban spaces continue to expand, integrating nature becomes paramount in fostering a balanced and livable environment. Epiphytes, with their ability to thrive without soil and their diverse array of species, provide a novel solution to this challenge. Their presence not only enriches the visual appeal of living infrastructure but also supports a healthier ecosystem within our cities.

Exploring Lithophytes: Nature’s Living Art for Green Infrastructure

In the world of green infrastructure, where nature seamlessly blends with urban landscapes, one group of plants stands out for its remarkable adaptability and aesthetic charm: lithophytes. These unique botanical wonders are capturing the attention of architects, designers, and nature enthusiasts alike, adding a touch of greenery to even the most unconventional spaces.

What are Lithophytes?

Lithophytes, often referred to as “rock plants,” are a fascinating group of plants that have evolved to grow on rocks, stones, and other hard surfaces. Unlike traditional plants that draw nutrients and moisture from soil, lithophytes have adapted to extract what they need from the air, rain, and debris that collect around them. This remarkable adaptation has enabled them to thrive in some of the harshest environments, from rocky mountainsides to urban rooftops.

Lithophytes have developed specific mechanisms to anchor themselves to rocks and surfaces while also efficiently absorbing water and nutrients. Some species even create tiny root structures that act as anchors, allowing them to hold onto their chosen substrate. Their ability to thrive in minimal soil and nutrient conditions showcases their incredible resilience.

Why Lithophytes Matter in Green Infrastructure

Lithophytes are not only captivating to behold but in urban environments where space is at a premium, these plants present an innovative solution to incorporate nature into the built world. Whether adorning vertical walls or covering barren rooftops, lithophytes create living tapestries that purify the air, reduce the urban heat island effect, and contribute to biodiversity.

Incorporating lithophytes into green infrastructure projects can transform otherwise sterile spaces into vibrant ecosystems. By embracing these remarkable plants, designers and architects can foster a sense of connection to nature and encourage biodiversity in areas where traditional landscaping might not be feasible.

Mark Paul, Horticulturist and Founder of The Greenwall Company says “At The Greenwall Company, we’ve always been passionate about pushing the boundaries of green design and urban sustainability. Lithophytes exemplify the kind of innovation that excites us. These plants not only challenge our preconceptions about where and how plants can grow, but they also bring a touch of natural beauty to spaces that might otherwise remain untouched by greenery. Their adaptability and ability to thrive in challenging conditions make them a perfect fit for our living infrastructure projects.”

As the world continues to urbanise, the integration of nature into cityscapes becomes increasingly vital. Lithophytes offer an inspiring solution, proving that even the most unlikely places can become thriving ecosystems. Their unique growth habits and visual allure add a layer of intrigue to any green infrastructure project, sparking conversations about the possibilities of blending the natural and built environments.

Lightweight greenroofs: Eco Pillows letting mother nature sleep easy

Picture this – a rooftop covered in a lush, vibrant greenery, harmoniously blending with the surrounding landscape, while giving Mother Nature a cozy place to rest. Lightweight greenroofs, or as we like to call them “Eco Pillows,” are taking the world of sustainable architecture by storm. These innovative greenroof systems offer a plethora of benefits, from their remarkable versatility to their eco-friendly nature. Let’s dive into the world of lightweight greenroofs and explore how they are revolutionizing rooftop greening and urban sustainability.

Unleashing Versatility: From Windows to Carports

One of the most exciting aspects of lightweight greenroofs is their remarkable versatility. Unlike traditional heavy greenroof systems, Eco Pillows are lightweight and adaptable, making them ideal for a variety of applications. Whether it’s beautifying the outlook of a window, greening a carport, or enhancing a sloped roof, lightweight greenroofs can seamlessly integrate with various architectural designs, adding a touch of natural charm to any space.

Imagine waking up every morning and looking out your window to see a captivating green vista. Eco Pillows can be easily installed over windowsills, transforming ordinary views into breathtaking landscapes. Additionally, they serve as an ideal solution for covering carports, creating a lush and welcoming entrance to your home or building. Moreover, on sloped roofs where traditional greenroof systems might be challenging to install, lightweight greenroofs come to the rescue, providing an eco-friendly and visually appealing solution.

Ease and Mobility: Moving Green Spaces

Traditional greenroof systems often require significant structural support due to their weight, which limits their mobility and flexibility. However, with Eco Pillows, green spaces become moveable and easily adaptable to changing needs weighing only 60kg/m2. The lightweight nature of these greenroof systems allows for quick installation, and they can be effortlessly relocated to another part of the building or even to a new location altogether.

This mobility opens up exciting possibilities for temporary green installations, such as pop-up gardens, event spaces, or mobile urban greening initiatives. Furthermore, lightweight greenroofs are ideal for retrofitting existing buildings where heavy greenroof systems might be impractical. They offer an excellent opportunity to add greenery to urban environments without imposing excessive structural demands on buildings.

Building Light, Living Green: Eco-Friendly Materials

Environmental consciousness lies at the core of lightweight greenroofs. Our Eco Pillows are constructed using 95% recycled materials, making them a sustainable choice for rooftop greening. The use of recycled materials not only reduces waste but also minimises the carbon footprint, contributing to a greener and more eco-friendly world.

Additionally, the lightweight nature of these greenroof systems requires less structural support, which translates to reduced consumption of resources during construction. The combination of recycled materials and reduced resource usage makes lightweight greenroofs a powerful tool in promoting sustainable architecture and eco-friendly urban development.

Strength in Simplicity: Easy Installation and Maintenance

Lightweight greenroofs are designed for ease of installation and maintenance. Their simple and modular design allows for straightforward installation, reducing the time and effort required during the setup process. Furthermore, the moveable nature of Eco Pillows means they can be installed or relocated quickly and efficiently, saving both time and resources.

Maintenance of lightweight greenroofs is also hassle-free. The modular design allows for easy access to individual units, making inspections, watering, and any necessary upkeep a breeze. These low-maintenance greenroof systems enable property owners to enjoy the benefits of a green roof without significant ongoing efforts or costs.

Lightweight greenroofs, affectionately known as Eco Pillows, are transforming the landscape of sustainable architecture. Their exceptional versatility, mobility, and eco-friendly features make them an ideal choice for rooftop greening in various urban settings. From enhancing the view from windows to covering carports and sloped roofs, Eco Pillows let Mother Nature sleep easy, providing her with a cozy, sustainable space to rest and flourish.

Green Gabions: Planters of the Future

In the quest for sustainable urban environments, architects and designers are constantly exploring innovative ways to incorporate greenery into our cities. Among the array of eco-friendly solutions, we have created the Green Gabions. Made from galvanised steel mesh, these lightweight gabions feature recycled inorganic media with the containment fabric made from recycled materials, plus they come with drip irrigation included.

1. Merging Functionality with Beauty: The Green Facade

Green Gabions are essentially a marriage of two concepts – gabions and green facades. Traditional gabions are wire mesh cages filled with rocks, often used for erosion control and retaining walls. On the other hand, green facades are vertical gardens attached to buildings, offering numerous environmental benefits such as improved air quality, temperature regulation, and enhanced aesthetics. Green Gabions cleverly combine the structural integrity of gabions with the lush greenery of green facades, resulting in an attractive and eco-friendly solution for urban greening.

2. Lightweight Versatility Unleashed: Beyond Retaining Walls

One of the key features that set Green Gabions apart is their exceptional versatility. While traditional planters are heavy and cumbersome or fixed to the ground, Green Gabions modular in design, standalone planter boxes, or even as green barriers to enhance privacy and aesthetics in outdoor spaces. Their flexibility opens up exciting possibilities for greening various urban areas, from parks and plazas to rooftops and building facades.

3. Sustainable Urban Landscapes: A Green Solution

Green Gabions are not just aesthetically pleasing; they also contribute to sustainable urban landscapes. By incorporating greenery into our cities, we can combat the negative effects of urban heat islands, reduce air pollution, and promote biodiversity. These planters act as natural air purifiers, absorbing pollutants and carbon dioxide while releasing oxygen, creating a healthier and more pleasant environment for residents and visitors alike. Green Gabions can serve as a habitat for birds, insects, and other wildlife, enriching urban biodiversity and fostering a deeper connection with nature.

4. Aesthetics and Functionality in Harmony

The marriage of form and function is a defining characteristic of Green Gabions. These planters seamlessly blend aesthetic beauty with practical functionality, making them an excellent choice for architects and urban designers seeking to enhance the visual appeal of their projects while incorporating sustainable features. The green facades created by the lush plantings of Green Gabions add a touch of natural elegance to the built environment, softening the harsh edges of concrete and steel and creating a welcoming and refreshing urban oasis.

Our low maintenance Plant Gabions are available in six different sizes but can also be created to bespoke dimensions and shapes where required. Each gabion is constructed in Australia using recycled materials including broken down PET bottles and our patented media. The centre plants are planted first and then the casing is also planted to create a lush design no matter what the space or size. 

Green Gabion facts: 

  • Galvanised steel mesh gabion 
  • Lightweight recycled inorganic media 
  • All containment fabrics are recycled 
  • Drip irrigation included 
  • All bespoke in design and plant pallet 
  • No traditional soil used, patented soilless media made of 97% recycled materials only 
  • Minimal maintenance due to media used and plant selection 

By embracing Green Gabions, architects and urban planners can create not only functional and visually appealing spaces but also environmentally friendly and biodiverse urban landscapes. These planters of the future pave the way to a greener, healthier, and more sustainable future for our cities, where nature and architecture coexist in harmony, benefitting both residents and the planet.

How Plants Improve Eco-Friendly Living

Indoor plants have transformed from mere decorative pieces to an essential part of eco-friendly living. Our green companions are more than just aesthetically pleasing, they’re a lifeline to a healthier environment right inside your home. Imagine a living space that not only looks good but also infuses life and positivity into your day-to-day existence. This is where indoor plants come in, bringing a breath of fresh air in the literal sense. So, how do indoor plants become an eco way to green space

1. Improving Air Quality

Indoor plants act like a sponge for indoor pollutants. They absorb gases through their leaves and roots – a process that had a NASA study place the humble household plant at the frontline of fighting indoor air pollution. But how does this translate to your living room or office? It’s simple. Along with carbon dioxide, plants also absorb a variety of common volatile organic compounds (VOCs), including formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene, that are frequently released as off-gases from carpets, paints and furniture.

Also, plants spread moisture into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration, which raises humidity and keeps the air in your room cleaner and fresher. Picture it: a steady, invisible stream of water vapour that carries away toxins and replenishes the room with purer air. But what if you’re short on floor space or you’re looking for a way to grow more than just a few potted plants? This is where vertical gardening comes into the picture, transforming your green aspirations into an air-purifying reality.

Indoor vertical gardens, also known as living walls, are not just show-stoppers for their beauty, but they’re also practical applications of air-purifying principles. They increase the surface area for plants, so you can get more air-filtering foliage per square metre. You can improve purifying power through sustainable eco panels and living wall installations.

2. Minimising Carbon Footprints with Leafy Companions

Indoor green plants also play a part in minimising your carbon footprint. The carbon absorption of indoor greenery may seem small compared to the vast forests of the world, but every little bit helps. Most importantly, our living greenwalls use plants suited to the environment, so supported with the right lighting, they won’t ever need to be replaced. That means no more dead indoor plants. We even take the cuttings back to the nursery to be grown into new plants, ensuring we make the most of every plant we nurture. 

3. Reducing Energy Use

Did you know that your favourite plants could help cut down your energy bill? It’s true! In the summer when it feels like you could fry an egg on the sidewalk, your indoor plants are quietly at work. Thanks to transpiration, they release water into the air, which helps cool down your indoor place naturally. It’s like having tiny, leafy air conditioners! 

Not to mention, green roofs and living walls are great for keeping buildings cool. In the summer, green roofs cover the top of a building with plants, which helps to block out some of the sun’s heat. Living walls do this too, but on the sides of buildings. Studies have found that living walls provide an added layer of thermal resistance. By providing shade, they can reduce how much air conditioning you need to use. These green additions are smart ways to help control the temperature inside your buildings naturally, making your spaces more comfortable and helping to save on energy costs.

4. Boosting Mental Health

But it’s not just about saving energy, it’s also about feeling good. Ever notice how a room with plants just brightens your mood somehow? There’s a reason for that. Studies have shown that having plants around can make us feel less stressed and more cheerful. They’re little green buddies that can help you stay calm and focused. Plus, there’s something deeply satisfying about taking care of them — it’s a bit like hitting a pause button on life’s fast-forward. Even the colour green itself has a soothing vibe, and just looking at plants can remind us of the great outdoors, bringing a slice of Mother Nature into even the most urban apartments.

5. Reducing Noise

The constant noise from traffic and city bustle can be overwhelming. Thankfully, the plants you place in your home and office do more than just brighten up the room — they also help quiet things down. Indoor plants are excellent at soaking up noise, making your living spaces more peaceful. And it’s not only small houseplants that do this. Larger installations like green roofs and living walls are especially good at muffling the sounds from outside. These aren’t just for show, they actively make your environment calmer.

By incorporating these living green additions into your architecture, you’re not just giving your buildings a facelift, but actually engaging in smart design that saves energy and creates a more pleasant living space. So next time you want to create a green living space, consider opting for vertical gardens and green roofs. 

5 Essential Tips for Indoor Vertical Gardens

Elevate Your Indoor Space

Green walls, also known as living walls or vertical gardens, have taken the world of interior design by storm, bringing the beauty of nature into our indoor spaces. These living artworks not only add a touch of lush greenery but also offer a myriad of benefits, from improving air quality to promoting a sense of well-being. If you’re considering creating an indoor greenwall, we’ve got you covered with five essential tips to ensure your vertical garden thrives and becomes a stunning centrepiece in your home or office.

  1. Mastering the Art of Lighting

You may not know, but light is the lifeblood of plants. Providing the correct lighting is vital for the success of your indoor greenwall and research has shown that plants need the right spectrum of light to effectively photosynthesise, which directly impacts their health and growth. Before you invest in and indoor greenwall you you’ll need to assess the lighting required and then invest in specialised grow lights or work with natural light sources to ensure your plants receive the illumination they need to thrive. This is measured in Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density (PPFD) and as a rule of thumb, a minimum of 35 PPFD is required for plant health, with some species requiring more. Healthy plants mean happier people, as the greenery contributes to a more positive and calming atmosphere.

  1. Tailoring to Your Indoor Environment

Selecting the right plants for your greenwall is crucial to its long-term success. Collaborate with greenwall professionals and horticulturists who understand the unique requirements of your indoor space. Remember, there’s no such thing as a typical “indoor plant.” Only some plants can tolerate lower light conditions, so be flexible with your planting palette and trust the expertise of your horticulturist. The right plant selection will ensure your indoor greenwall flourishes and remains a captivating sight year-round. Peperomia genus is an example of a versatile, resilient low light tolerant genus to work with.

  1. Maintenance as a forethought

Think ahead and engage those who will be working on your systems in early concept design phase. There is still a lot of misconceptions in the markets as to how greenwalls can be maintained. Adequate space to maintain, safely and efficiently are key. Increasing the height of your greenwall beyond a safe ladder distance (can be as low as 2.5m, depending on the environment) means you will need to consider maintenance from ropes or an Elevated Work Platform (EWP).

  1. Breathing Life into Your Vertical Garden

In nature, plants benefit from natural air movement, which facilitates CO2 reduction and helps disperse vital nutrients. In order to mimic this natural air flow in your indoor greenwall to promote plant health and create a dynamic living environment, we work with you. This may involve directing aircon ducts toward the greenwall to enhance air circulation or creating a more conducive growing environment via additional elements. It’s important to that proper air flow will increase access to light for plants lower on the wall, ensuring every part of your greenwall thrives.

  1. Setting the Foundation for Success

The choice of growing media is fundamental for the longevity and health of your vertical garden. Media with organics are great on the ground, and do offer a large range of plant varieties but know the media will break down overtime and need replacing, increasing your maintenance cost (OPEX). We will only ever use inorganic growing media, which does not break down over time, while micronutrients provide a stable and nourishing foundation for your plants. Plus our patented media leads the way in sustainable practices, using 95% recycled material, something no one else can claim. By choosing environmentally friendly options, you contribute to a greener future while ensuring your greenwall flourishes for years to come.

Indoor greenwalls are more than just a decorative addition to your space; they bring life and vitality to your surroundings. By mastering the art of lighting, selecting the right plants, planning for the future, ensuring proper air flow, and using sustainable growing media, you can cultivate a flourishing indoor oasis that uplifts your environment and enriches your well-being. Embrace the beauty and benefits of greenwalls, and let nature’s magic thrive within your walls.

5 Reasons we need more Greenroofs in our urban landscape.

As our cities continue to expand and urbanisation reaches unprecedented levels, the detrimental effects of urban heat islands and environmental degradation become more pronounced. It is imperative that we seek innovative and sustainable solutions to counteract these issues. One of these options is greenroofs! Our rooftops represent 21–26% of urban areas and 40–50% of their impermeable areas (Wong, 2005; Dunnett & Kingsbury, 2004). Rooftop gardens offer a multitude of benefits that not only mitigate the urban heat island effect but also positively impact air and water quality, biodiversity, and overall urban resilience – plus they provide a great outlook.

Let’s delve into five compelling reasons why we urgently need more greenroofs in urban landscapes in Australia.

  1. Tackling the Urban Heat Island Effect

Urban heat islands are a consequence of excessive heat retention in built-up areas, leading to higher temperatures compared to surrounding rural regions. This phenomenon exacerbates heatwaves and has severe consequences for public health, energy consumption, and urban ecosystems. Greenroofs act as a natural thermal insulator, reducing the amount of heat absorbed by buildings and their immediate surroundings. Research from Germany has shown that greenroofs can lower rooftop temperatures by up to 50°C during hot summer days, significantly mitigating the urban heat island effect.

  1. Enhancing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Incorporating greenroofs into our urban landscape creates unique opportunities for fostering biodiversity corridors through our cities. These rooftop gardens provide essential habitats for various plants, insects, and birds that struggle to find a place in our concrete-dominated cities. Biodiversity not only improves the overall health of ecosystems but also enhances urban resilience to climate change impacts and pest management. Research studies have demonstrated the positive impacts of greenroofs on biodiversity, showing an increase in the abundance and diversity of native species.

  1. Promoting Air and Water Quality Improvement

Greenroofs play a vital role in improving air quality by filtering pollutants and capturing particulate matter from the atmosphere. The vegetation on greenroofs absorb and capture carbon dioxide, while the plants root system captures and consumes the harmful particulate matter that the water washes out of the atmosphere. Additionally, the natural evapotranspiration process from the plants helps cool the air. Moreover, greenroofs act as effective stormwater management systems, reducing the initial storm load flow and preventing urban drainage systems being overwhelmed. The plants and soil on greenroofs trap and retain rainwater, which is gradually released or absorbed, minimizing runoff and pollutants entering water bodies.

  1. Utilising Recycled and Sustainable Materials

Our greenroof systems can are constructed using a variety of eco-friendly and recycled materials, in fact 95% of the materials are recycled from here in Australia, reducing the demand for resource-intensive construction components and overseas shipping of recycled waste. Implementing sustainable practices during the installation of greenroofs further lessens the environmental footprint of urban development. By promoting the use of recycled materials and environmentally conscious construction methods, we can support a more circular and sustainable economy.

  1. Enhancing Building Energy Efficiency

The thermal insulation properties of greenroofs extend beyond mitigating the urban heat island effect. By reducing the heat absorbed by buildings, greenroofs aid in maintaining comfortable indoor temperatures, reducing the need for excessive air conditioning during hot weather. This, in turn, leads to decreased energy consumption, contributing to overall building energy efficiency and potentially lowering greenhouse gas emissions.

To recap, greenroofs offer a multitude of benefits that address the pressing environmental challenges faced by urban landscapes today. By mitigating the urban heat island effect, enhancing biodiversity, improving air and water quality, utilising sustainable materials, and promoting building energy efficiency, greenroofs prove to be an indispensable component of resilient and sustainable cities. As we look towards the future of urban development, embracing greenroofs should be a priority for planners, architects, and policymakers to create healthier, greener, and more liveable urban environments.


Wong (2005) Green roofs and the Environmental Protection Agency’s heat island reduction initiative Proc. of 3rd North American Green Roof Conference: Greening Rooftops for Sustainable Communities, Washington, DC. 4–6 May 2005, The Cardinal Group, Toronto

Dunnett, N., & Kingsbury, N. (2010). Planting green roofs and living walls. Portland: Timber Press.


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